A look in the rearview mirror

What does looking in the rearview mirror mean to you?

Does it carry positive or negative connotations? You’ll likely agree—it depends on us: what we choose to focus on, how often we look back, and what type of FEEDBACK we seek…

And, of course, what we do with that information moving forward!

What Do We Gain from Looking in the Rearview Mirror?

A glance in the rearview mirror allows us to assess how aligned we are with our goals, plans, and standards of work—essentially, how well we live by the principle “Said – Done!”

It reveals how we are developing ourselves and those around us.

It reflects the quality of our decisions, the effectiveness of our communication, the actions we’ve taken, and the obstacles we’ve encountered—whether they are internal or external. The list of benefits is extensive!

In the training industry, looking in the rearview mirror means consistently engaging in evaluation and self-evaluation, proactively applying the insights gained to improve our practices.

How Do We Look in the Rearview Mirror?

We can use different glasses to examine our past experiences.

One pair provides us with facts, opening the door to meaningful analysis and insights.
Another broadens our perspective, helping us see the bigger picture.
A third reveals the effects and the relationships we’ve built with those around us.
A fourth encourages us to reflect on what we could have done differently.
And a fifth asks, “What’s next?”—inviting us to think about the future and how we can move forward.

A Personal Experience from Biznislink’s Program

Recently, I had the pleasure of conducting the BOW AND BEGIN development program for a new generation of internal trainers. During this program, I equipped them with the necessary tools for effective preparation—not only for their training sessions but also for their own personal growth. The program provided techniques for leading impactful sessions and navigating challenging situations.

One area I paid special attention to was evaluation. You may wonder why this is so important. Without a solid evaluation and self-evaluation process, we cannot truly be excellent trainers, and that is the standard I uphold in all Biznislink programs. This is the only standard I’ve maintained after over 20 years of active training, more than 15,000 training hours, and educating over 25,000 participants across various programs.

We learn best when we apply the tools in real situations, so we put the evaluation process to the test within the program itself. Before we started, we set clear expected outcomes and indicators of success. Now, it was time to assess whether we had met those goals—and to do so, we put on green glasses.

The green glasses help us approach evaluation efficiently, blending facts, insights, and impressions. I asked the participants to put on these “glasses” and share what they had gained and what they would carry forward from the program. The results were captured in this photo.

What you don’t see in the photo are the things that matter most: a boost in confidence, an influx of positive energy, and the strong relationships that were forged among trainers and participants. There’s also a palpable drive to push boundaries in the training profession and a genuine eagerness to step into the training room again.

I’m already looking forward to my next meeting with them. Each time, they surprise and inspire me with the progress they’ve made and the way they actively incorporate the feedback they receive. It’s truly rewarding to witness their continuous growth in preparing and executing even more impactful training sessions.

Believe me, this is a powerful MOTIVATIONAL FUEL – for both them and me!

What can we do next?

It’s clear that looking in the rearview mirror holds immense value—especially in those moments when we give our all, staying dedicated, motivated, and committed to sharing and setting standards of EXCELLENCE!

If you resonate with this approach, reach out, and I’ll hand you the toolbox filled with all the necessary tools for effectively reflecting on your journey and successfully moving forward with confidence.

For additional questions or to register for the program, feel free to reach out to me directly: danijela.nedic@biznis-link.rs

 I’m here to help you get started on your path to excellence!
