Autor: Mr. Predrag Đukić

In the library of the Biznis Link training center, a significant place is held by the book titled DEVELOPING MANAGERIAL SKILLS, authored by Mr. Predrag Đukić.

We are aware of how much stress we are exposed to in both work and private life, how little free time we have, and how we are constantly in a rush. Because of all this, we tend to make quick DECISIONS, which, in the long run, makes us tense and restless. It often seems that CIRCUMSTANCES control us, instead of the other way around.

This is precisely why we need the book DEVELOPING MANAGERIAL SKILLS, as it offers a concept for developing and improving skills that are crucial for SUCCESS in modern society. Due to the applicability of the described TECHNIQUES and approaches, individuals in leadership positions, the team members they manage, and the companies they work for quickly experience the BENEFITS of implementing them.

The POSITIVE EFFECTS you will gain if this book becomes part of your library are not limited to the business world – applying this KNOWLEDGE on a daily basis puts control over our lives back into OUR HANDS. The author’s knowledge and skills, along with his years of managerial, consulting, and teaching experience, add unique value to the content of this book.

We often return to the TOOLS from this book – whether we are uncertain when making decisions, seeking proven techniques for effective problem-solving, or developing ideas and testing their applicability…

We are confident that in your hands, the book DEVELOPING MANAGERIAL SKILLS will take on new practical value.
