Can a virtual team achieve effectiveness?

Can a virtual team achieve effectiveness?

What is the purpose of virtual teams?

We are witnessing changes—our work HABITS are evolving. The integration of technology into our lives and businesses has led us to form and develop VIRTUAL TEAMS.

Creating VIRTUAL TEAMS can be an appropriate response to the following NEEDS:

  • If we want to create SYNERGY between people and their skills, regardless of their location, whether within the country or abroad.
  • During CRISES and EMERGENCIES, such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
  • If we aim to REDUCE OFFICE COSTS by allowing team members to work remotely.
  • When our PROJECTS vary in size and duration, requiring us to be FLEXIBLE in resource allocation.

When we provide SERVICES in DIFFERENT LOCATIONS worldwide and want to ensure 24-hour coverage by team members working in different time zones.

What are the advantages of virtual teams?

If we are MEMBERS of a virtual team, we enjoy the following benefits:

  • FLEXIBILITY and FREEDOM from many constraints associated with office-based work.
  • Our VALUES can be recognized, regardless of our physical location.
  • We save TIME and avoid EXPENSES related to daily commuting.
  • We CHOOSE the LOCATION where we work.
  • We also CHOOSE the TIME we work.

If we are LEADERS of a virtual team, we can benefit from the following:

  • With an EFFECTIVE VIRTUAL TEAM, there are no BOUNDARIES in work.
  • We have the opportunity to recruit PEOPLE WITH THE RIGHT SKILLS, regardless of their location.
  • We can create an OPTIMAL work schedule by coordinating team members across different time zones, ensuring 24-HOUR AVAILABILITY for our CLIENTS.
  • Another valuable OPTION is the ability to engage freelancers and experts who require periodic involvement.

What are the challenges of virtual teams?

We are aware that an ideal state does not exist. With that in mind, it is good to be prepared for the following challenges associated with forming and managing virtual teams:

  • MANAGING PEOPLE we may never meet in person.
  • BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS with individuals from different cultures, languages, and personalities.
  • ADOPTING A TAILORED APPROACH for each team member, as everyone has different expectations, experiences, and work styles.

Ensuring that every individual can effectively CONTRIBUTE and motivating the team to unite toward a common GOAL.

How to effectively lead a virtual team?

Consider the following key aspects of forming and managing VIRTUAL TEAMS:

  • Understanding the STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES of each team member is the foundation of success.
  • Building a RELATIONSHIP OF TRUST in each person’s abilities and reliability is essential.
  • Defining a clear GOAL and ACTION STEPS, along with vertical and horizontal COMMUNICATION channels, is crucial.
  • Fostering both TEAM communication and INDIVIDUAL communication with each member strengthens collaboration.
  • Providing SUPPORT to each team member as needed, whether as a manager, mentor, or coach.
  • Team members must be MOTIVATED, RESULTS-ORIENTED, and capable of working both as a TEAM and INDEPENDENTLY.
  • The PERFORMANCE evaluation model should be clearly communicated and consistently monitored.
  • Strengthening COLLABORATION and COMMUNICATION within the team can be achieved by incorporating informal virtual team activities.

And remember a proven principle in business: “YOUR TITLE MAKES YOU A MANAGER. YOUR PEOPLE MAKE YOU A LEADER.” No matter the circumstances.


If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me.
