If our workday isn’t as we’d like, we have the tools to make it better!
I love the work I do. I enjoy the people I work with. I find joy in my workspace. Yet, it’s not always easy to stay energetic and inspired every single day. And so, questions arise within us… At moments like these, we need a bit of inner support, a smile, and perhaps a little extra spice.
What we truly need in such moments is an INNER MENTOR, not a critic. That’s what I want to talk about and share some of my experiences with you. I won’t be discussing setting smart goals, time-management tools, or the urgent/important matrix. The reason is simple—when we align the puzzle pieces within ourselves or place the blocks in their proper positions, we become ready for various methodologies for effectively organizing and managing the workday.
Šta možemo učiniti da sebe podignemo?
UNZIP YOURSELF – What doesn’t feel right today? What is the ROOT of my DISSATISFACTION? Why does it feel like this day isn’t fitting me?
REFLECT ON YOUR VALUES – How do they connect with the choices, situations, and emotions you’re currently experiencing? The feedback you’ll gain here will shed light on a significant part of the story and provide guidance for moving forward.
PAUSE AND ANSWER – What are our MOTIVATORS? Focus on internal drivers, as those who rely on them tend to be more satisfied and successful in what they do.
ASK YOURSELF – Why do I do this job? What brought me here, and why have I stayed—what gives meaning to the whole story? Dive into everything that gives you strength, encouragement, and brings a smile to your face.
REFLECT – What do I appreciate about the company I’m part of or the business I’ve started and run? What tasks would I still do even if I weren’t paid for them? The list of things you like is probably not short! And if it is, perhaps it’s time for a change.
LOOK AROUND – Observe your colleagues. Is there someone you can support right now? Think about what would be good to share with those around you today. Who could benefit from your praise and find inspiration in it—provided it is deserved and sincere? Knowing you can be of help to someone can truly uplift you.
SUM UP – What is the core question in this situation? What is keeping me in this state? What is pushing me forward? The feedback from these questions is incredibly valuable—use it!
What other spices can we add?
A POSITIVE ATTITUDE – An essential ingredient in every recipe.
FREEDOM – To choose how we view the day, ourselves, and our surroundings.
GRATITUDE – For everything we’ve received and for everything we haven’t.
JOY – For everything we have within us and around us.
LOVE – For ourselves, for others, for what we do, and for what we strive toward.
UNDERSTANDING – Of ourselves, our environment, and the moment we’re living in.
ACCEPTANCE – Of everything we are and everything we are not—both in ourselves and in others.
What else can we do?
ALLOW OURSELVES TO WANT – A day, a job, or a life that fits us.
GIVE OURSELVES A CHANCE – To try, to make mistakes, and to move forward with a new lesson learned.
TRY – Something new, inspiring, or different.
LEARN – From every person, situation, or task in the day, gathering feedback on what works and what doesn’t, which provides us with reliable resources for the future.
CHANGE PERSPECTIVE – Things don’t have to look exactly as they seem right now.
SHARE – A smile, a kind word, a look full of understanding, enthusiasm, or knowledge you’ve acquired… and you’ll be on the right path to giving meaning to the day you’re living.
ENJOY – This unique journey, as every day carries its own beauty and irreplaceable moments.
And finally…
Let me tell you that it’s completely okay to have a day that doesn’t feel quite right.
But I encourage you to take the most out of every day and leave your mark on it!
For over two decades, I have refined these TOOLS and LIVED by them—in a way that suits me.
The same, and even more, I wish for YOU!
You are the one who paints your day!
And no one can run your race for you.
By embracing this MINDSET, you’ll realize there’s no reason — or time — for bad days!
Each new day is a fresh JOURNEY and an OPPORTUNITY to do something meaningful and fulfilling — for yourself, for those around you, and for the ideas you’re nurturing.