My Entrepreneurial Story • Danijela Vučković

Today, I introduce you to Danijela VUČKOVIĆ, an entrepreneur with a radiant smile and the owner of the ELLITE COPY, center for copying, printing, and document editing in Kragujevac.

When asked how she would describe herself, she says:
“An entrepreneur on one hand, and on the other—a mother, wife, and homemaker…

I enjoy every role I take on, giving each my full commitment and maximum effort. Like everyone, I have my ups and downs, but I always strive to stay true to myself, remain positive, push forward, and no matter how challenging it gets—keep my smile!”

Read on to learn more about her entrepreneurial perspective.

What inspired you to step into the world of entrepreneurship?

My long-standing experience in this field, satisfied customers, kind words, and the joy reflected in their smiles when I help them—all of this influenced my decision to take the plunge and stay in this profession.

What are the key ingredients for achieving success in your field?

I believe that for success in any business, above all, you must be a good person in every sense of the word.

People can sense that, and they will always return to places where they feel trust, where they were treated well, and where they were satisfied with the service provided.

How important are people in your entrepreneurial journey?

In my line of work, interpersonal relationships hold a high position. I believe that kind words and an honest approach in communication are the key to success.

From your experience, what are the key factors in effectively developing and leading people?

My journey began in 2002, completely unplanned and unexpected. That was the first time I encountered what we call work. I entered the printing industry without even knowing how to position a sheet of paper—imagine that experience! At that moment, the mentorship of the person I worked with meant everything.

Of course, when you have the will to learn and give your best, things move in the right direction.

I owe a great deal to the right people who have supported me along the way. Long-term collaboration with clients has led to genuine friendships and a deep love for this profession. Whenever things were tough, they were there, offering true support.

What role does communication play in driving your business success?

From my perspective, communication is fundamental to every aspect of my business. Without it, so much remains unclear.

Running a business without clear agreements is unimaginable. You cannot achieve your expected goals, develop yourself or others, if communication is not at the center of it all.

What valuable lessons have the challenges in your career taught you?

The lessons I have learned on my entrepreneurial journey are:

  • Every business carries a certain risk—it is up to us to assess and choose wisely!
  • Even when things get tough, stay in tune with your industry!
  • Accept that after the rain, the sun always comes out—move forward accordingly.
  • There will be obstacles and difficult people—but that only makes you stronger!

What are the three key strategies for successfully running your own business?

  • Stay true to yourself!
  • Listen to your clients—understand their needs, their expectations, their desires.
  • Put your whole heart into everything you do, give it your best effort, and success is guaranteed!

Text author: Danijela Nedić
Photo by Gavrilo Nedić
