My Entrepreneurial Story • Gordana Matović

Through the project My Entrepreneurial Story, I present to you Gordana MATOVIĆ, owner and director of GM CONSULTING, in Kragujevac, a role she has successfully held for twenty years. However, this is not her only role—she is also a wife, mother, and recently, a grandmother. She emphasizes that she enjoys all these roles and finds great fulfillment in them.

When you meet her, you see someone who effortlessly combines elegance and professionalism.

“I love to travel, explore new countries and cultures, spend time at the beach, and enjoy the scent of the sea and the sound of the waves. But above all, I deeply cherish every moment spent with my grandchildren. These are the best ways for me to unwind from business obligations and recharge for a new day and new professional challenges.

Even though there have been difficult moments in entrepreneurship—tough decisions, sleepless nights, and a constant lack of time—I have no regrets. I would choose this path all over again.”

How her entrepreneurial journey has unfolded, I share with you in the following text.

What inspired you to step into the world of entrepreneurship?

Looking back at the early days of my entrepreneurial journey, more than 20 years ago, my primary motivation was the freedom to manage my own time as I saw fit, without answering to anyone but myself. What was crucial was my readiness to take on constant responsibilities, planning, organization, risk-taking, and the uncertainty that comes with it.

Additionally, one of my key motivations was my desire to share my knowledge and contribute to the growth of other businesses through strategic planning; identifying problems and hidden costs caused by financial fraud by employees, suppliers, and customers; and providing training to enhance business skills and profitability.

What are the key ingredients for achieving success in your field?

Support. From experience, I know how challenging it is to raise small children while simultaneously building a company and establishing a brand. However, with the right support, it is possible. Family support is invaluable and irreplaceable, but friends and colleagues you can rely on are equally important. I am deeply grateful to all of them for standing by me throughout the years.

Education. Continuous learning and skill development are essential. Without them, you fall behind, and in my line of work, that is simply not an option.

People. Having the right team—people who can be relied upon to do their part well and contribute to customer satisfaction—is critical.

How important are people in your entrepreneurial journey?

People are the most valuable asset in any business. Given the nature of my work and the highly specialized field of forensic auditing, I needed highly skilled professionals in accounting, auditing, and IT. It was crucial to build a network of trusted collaborators whom I could rely on whenever needed.

This network of associates is my greatest support system, allowing me to take on extensive and demanding projects with confidence in the quality of service delivered to clients.

From your experience, what are the key factors in effectively developing and leading people?

Successful leadership and development of employees require continuous education, regardless of the industry. Employees often represent the first impression of a company.

It is also essential to keep employees motivated and to maintain open, two-way communication between management and staff.

What role does communication play in driving your business success?

Communication is one of the key skills every entrepreneur must possess, and it plays a crucial role in my daily work. Communicating with employees, investors, customers, and colleagues is at the core of my business.

By communication, I mean all forms—one-on-one and small group discussions, presentations or speeches to larger audiences, written communication, and electronic correspondence.

In my line of work, where I investigate fraud, embezzlement, and corruption within companies, forensic accounting and auditing skills are essential. However, verbal and nonverbal communication play an equally significant role. Through conversations with employees, I can recognize and uncover motives and opportunities for fraudulent activities and financial misconduct.

What valuable lessons have the challenges in your career taught you?

Throughout my years in entrepreneurship, I have faced many challenges, obstacles, and dilemmas, but I have also learned a great deal from them.

Firstly, I realized that one of the most valuable aspects of this career—freedom—is a double-edged sword. It means being both an employee and a boss, making my own decisions, and bearing full responsibility for them. It means constantly improving, keeping up with market trends, and finding new ways to contribute to my clients’ success.

I learned that my work is my passion, that I love the unpredictability of each day, and that I am always willing to give my all. I also discovered that I can encourage and motivate myself, even when there is no one around to offer reassurance. The uncertainty of running a business has strengthened me rather than broken me, and I have learned to make decisions under pressure.

For me, my company is not just a business—it is a mindset, a way of acting, and ultimately, a way of life. And that is the essence of it all. This is the path I chose, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

What are the three key strategies for successfully running your own business?

→ Running a business can be stressful and exhausting, so it is crucial to take care of your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Despite the lack of free time, nurturing family and friendships is essential.

→ Stand firm, be committed, passionate, and responsible in facing every challenge—because challenges are always there. The path is difficult and demanding, but it also brings immense satisfaction, as you work for yourself—when, how, and as much as you choose.

→ Lastly, be prepared for failures and keep moving forward without looking back. Every failure is just one step closer to success. Success means rising up, persevering despite obstacles, and ultimately realizing that challenges are not a punishment but a gift. Success is focusing on the final goal rather than the temporary problem.

Text author: Danijela Nedić
