Points of You story 5: PAUSE

Points of You story 5: PAUSE

A number of students were sitting quietly with their teacher one day when a hunter passed by. The hunter was surprised to see the renowned teacher sitting there at ease and doing nothing at all, remarking that the man’s inaction appeared to be a waste of precious time.

“Take your bow, cock it, and fire an arrow,” the teacher responded quietly. And the hunter obliged.

“Cock your bow and fire another arrow,” the teacher then said. And the hunter again obliged – again and again and again.

Finally, the hunter spoke up: “Teacher, if I continue to cock my bow at this rate, it will break.”

“The same goes for all of us,” said the teacher. “If we push ourselves excessively, we will break too. The right thing to do sometimes is to take a break and cease all activity.”

Zen story

Source: POINTS OF YOU, THE COACHING GAMEThe Book of Insights, Stories and Thoughts
