The lessons I’ve learned from nature

I have spent the past 20 years working in education and human potential development, and I am endlessly grateful and joyful for the constant opportunities to learn—from the participants in my programs, my mentors, and the remarkable people in my life.

Teachers are everywhere—if we remain open to learning. Every day, we encounter them. Some show us how things should be done, while others teach us how they should not. Learning doesn’t only take place in classrooms or institutions; it happens wherever we go!

A special place in my journey has been reserved for nature as a teacher. I spend a lot of time in its company, learning from it. On our family estate, I regularly observe what unfolds around me, collecting valuable lessons along the way.

I take great joy in watching the trees—plums, pears, apples, quinces. Their leaves sway in the wind, standing so proudly! The lavender flowers release their fragrant notes, exuding elegance. The oak tree stands firm and wise… I see our dog resting under the cherry tree, enjoying its shade, while a cat naps on its branches, completely content and secure.

I feel the harmony of this environment. And I remember how, this past summer, a storm with hail struck, leaving everything battered and wilted… yet now, everything is full of life again!

So, here are the lessons I have learned from an extraordinary teacher—NATURE:

✔️ There is always room for something new.
✔️ Opportunities are always available.
✔️ Everything you plant and nurture will bear fruit—but nothing bears fruit all year round.
✔️ No matter how hard things may seem, there is always another chance.
✔️ There is enough space for everyone.
✔️ Sun, water, wind—resources are all around us.
✔️ When you can offer shade, you do it.
✔️ The balance of power is clear—who is the host, and who is the guest.
✔️ There is no comparison—everyone lives their own story.
✔️ No two plants are identical—authenticity is undeniable.
✔️ No one rushes.
✔️ Everything happens at the right moment—exactly when it should.

I strive to apply many of these principles in my personal and professional life. It’s simple—but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy!

These principles existed long before us and will continue to function independently of us. I invite you to be patient and persistent, gradually introducing these principles into your daily life—one by one. Positive results will surely follow!

Let me know how you’re progressing, so we can share experiences and push boundaries together… You can reach me via email at:
