What does your signature stand for?
“A person leaves their signature on everything they touch.”
Let me start by asking: How much do you allow your authenticity to shine through in everything you sign? How willing are you to live and express your UNIQUENESS? Or do you prefer to be a copy of someone else?
Never forget—each of us is unique—through our genetic makeup, education, personal and professional experiences, connections, and knowledge. We all carry a backpack filled with strengths, skills, values, and tools for personal and professional growth, as well as strategies for overcoming challenges along the way.
If we want our AUTHENTICITY to be visible in our signature, we must first understand our values, define our goals, and recognize our purpose in life.
And we must not allow anyone else to do this for us!
Reflecting on these questions should never be secondary—it should be at the top of our PRIORITIES, as it guides our thoughts and actions.
Take a moment for yourself. Find a quiet space to define these aspects and set up your COORDINATE SYSTEM. Once you do this, everything else will take on its true meaning, providing insight into whether you are moving at your own rhythm—or whether you are allowing others to speed you up, slow you down, or change your priorities, habits, and approaches.
“Avoid those who belittle your ambitions. Small people do that, while truly great people inspire you to become great too.”
If you are wondering whether there will be people who will try to diminish the value of your signature—the answer is yes! And they may come from the places you least expect.
But let’s look at it from a different angle: Do those who say you can’t achieve something truly understand the full portrait of your strengths and authenticity? Do they know your capabilities and potential? Do they know what you want to accomplish? Do they know the coordinates of your past journeys? Can they see your scars and wounds? Do they know what it felt like to ride your roller coaster?
I’m sure you already know the answers to these questions!
The real challenge, however, is not what others say—but rather the dialogue you have with yourself.
Are you your own MENTOR, or are you your worst critic? This is your COMPASS—so choose carefully which direction you will take. Does hesitation show in your signature? Hesitation is like rocking in a chair—you move back and forth, but go nowhere. Do you really need that?
If obstacles worry you, remember Henry Ford’s wise words: “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” Take a moment to reflect—why have these obstacles appeared, and what will you do about them?
“Where your attention goes, your focus follows.”
You decide what your signature represents—much of it is within your control!
Of course, this doesn’t mean there won’t be dilemmas or tough decisions.
In moments like these, it’s helpful to have support points—here are a few to consider:
- You cannot be great at everything—which is why it’s crucial to recognize your STRENGTHS and use them to their fullest potential.
- In every situation, you can take a stand and choose your own path. Your RESPONSE to any event shapes the outcome. Remember—OUTCOMES are not predetermined!
- It’s important for RESPONSIBLE ACTION to be part of your signature. This requires understanding what is and isn’t your responsibility.
- A combination of gratitude, patience, and optimism adds EXTRA VALUE to everything you sign!
And if you are still wondering whether it is worth living your authenticity, Steve Jobs reminds us:
“Your time is limited. So don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t fall into the trap of living according to other people’s opinions. Don’t let the noise of others’ thoughts drown out your inner voice. And most importantly—have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”