What makes comparing ourselves to others such a destructive behavior?

What makes comparing ourselves to others such a destructive behavior?

In both our personal and professional lives, we often see COMPARISONS being made between individuals. Common phrases like, “You’re not as good as your brother,” “Your sister has straight A’s, what about you?” or “Peter has excellent results, but yours are nowhere near as good” are all too familiar. But what purpose does this serve? What happens when we compare two people within a team? The results tend to be more negative than positive, wouldn’t you agree?

But what if we shifted from comparison and competition to COLLABORATION?

Imagine replacing competition with collaboration—what you’ll find is that dissatisfaction and frustration give way to open communication, the EXCHANGE of ideas, advice, and challenges, as well as significant GROWTH—for both individuals and teams.

If we begin with the understanding that each person is UNIQUE, then how meaningful is it really to compare one individual to another? We can compare an individual’s progress against a specific goal, a delegated task, or a result delivered—but not to another person.

We also recommend watching Simon Sinek’s video on this subject. In it, he discusses the harmful effects of comparison and the powerful impact of collaboration and learning from one another—what truly drives GROWTH.

Try applying these insights in your own environment, and witness the MAGIC unfold!
