
My Entrepreneurial Story • Danijela Vučković

Today, I introduce you to Danijela VUČKOVIĆ, an entrepreneur with a radiant smile and the owner of the ELLITE COPY, center for copying, printing, and document editing in Kragujevac. When asked how she would describe herself, she says: "An entrepreneur on one hand, and on the other—a mother, wife, and homemaker... I enjoy every role I take on, giving each my full commitment...

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What can be set in motion by asking the right question? You can see it through the wisdom of Albert Einstein in the following story: A journalist from a scientific magazine requested an interview with Einstein for a special article titled "The Great Questions Asked by Great Scientists." When the scientist agreed to meet, the journalist arrived at his home. Einstein...

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My Entrepreneurial Story • Gordana Matović

Through the project My Entrepreneurial Story, I present to you Gordana MATOVIĆ, owner and director of GM CONSULTING, in Kragujevac, a role she has successfully held for twenty years. However, this is not her only role—she is also a wife, mother, and recently, a grandmother. She emphasizes that she enjoys all these roles and finds great fulfillment in them. When you...

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An old cat and a kitten are in an alley. The kitten is chasing its tail when the old cat approaches and asks, “What are you doing?” The kitten replies, “I went to cat philosophy school and learned that two things are crucial in a cat’s life. First, happiness is the most important thing. Second, happiness is found in our...

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Points of You story 5: PAUSE

A number of students were sitting quietly with their teacher one day when a hunter passed by. The hunter was surprised to see the renowned teacher sitting there at ease and doing nothing at all, remarking that the man’s inaction appeared to be a waste of precious time. “Take your bow, cock it, and fire an arrow,” the teacher responded quietly....

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