
What makes comparing ourselves to others such a destructive behavior?

In both our personal and professional lives, we often see COMPARISONS being made between individuals. Common phrases like, “You’re not as good as your brother,” “Your sister has straight A’s, what about you?” or “Peter has excellent results, but yours are nowhere near as good” are all too familiar. But what purpose does this serve? What happens when we compare...

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Rita Pierson: Every Child Needs a Champion

Rita Pierson is a shining example of exceptional dedication and living one’s PERSONAL MISSIONto the fullest. Through her powerful message, she embodies the principles of excellence in what we do, how we treat those we lead, and what it truly means to take a positive approach in helping others grow. Her ability to communicate with purpose and good intentions is...

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Miloš Radović: The Sudden and Premature Death of Colonel K.K.

The process of COMMUNICATION is made up of several key elements. When any of these elements are missing, the results can be less than effective, as clearly demonstrated in this insightful and engaging video. BARRIERS, both internal and external, add complexity to communication and can significantly affect its OUTCOME. This video presents a valuable opportunity for each of us to reflect on...

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Patrick Lencioni: Four Reasons for Meetings

An EFFECTIVE MEETING is something we all strive for. But are our daily meetings truly efficient? Do they have a clear PURPOSE, a well-structured AGENDA, quality COMMUNICATION, and defined ACTION STEPS? Are meetings an INVESTMENT or just an EXPENSE? Patrick Lencioni emphasizes the VALUE of effective business meetings, outlining the key REASONS for holding them in a professional environment. He also...

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Carmine Gallo: Message Map

In communication, we often see ASSUMPTIONS, insights, reflections, and emotions presented as ARGUMENTS—yet without a foundation in verified facts. In this video, Carmine Gallo outlines clear steps on how to effectively PRESENT yourself and your work. This TOOL is particularly valuable when preparing to present IDEAS, PRODUCTS, or SERVICES, or when you're leading a meeting to present proposals, solve problems, or take...

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Dan Pink: The puzzle of motivation

The question of MOTIVATION is always relevant. What drives people? Which motivational models should we use? How can we determine what will deliver the expected RESULTS? Dan Pink offers insightful answers to these questions. Drawing from research and business insights, he explains when and how to use EXTRINSIC MOTIVATORS and when to rely more on INTRINSIC MOTIVATION. He also clarifies why...

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Adam Grant: Are you a giver or a taker?

We often encounter the question of whether we should GIVE—and whether doing so leads to gaining or losing. Opinions on this are often divided, aren’t they? Adam Grant offers fascinating insights into this topic, drawing on RESEARCH, HUMOR, and perspectives from various ANGLES. As you watch this material, we encourage you to reflect on which group you belong to—are you more...

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Simon Sinek: What mentorship really means?

Whether you’ve had a mentor or not, we invite you to explore Simon Sinek’s perspective on mentorship. This material will address key questions: What does MENTORSHIP really mean? What makes a good MENTOR? How does the RELATIONSHIP between mentor and mentee work? Does it need to be a formal arrangement? And what happens when we have the right mentor? Through his experience-based...

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Steve Jobs: Stanford Commencement Speech

An INSPIRING speech, an EXPERIENCE-BASED approach, and a PERSPECTIVE on life and work from multiple angles—these are just a few things you’ll experience while watching Steve Jobs’ 2005 address to Stanford University graduates. You’ll discover who the true AGENT OF LIFE CHANGE is and why you should never waste TIMEliving someone else’s life. This speech presents a fascinating LIFE PUZZLE,, radiates unforgettable...

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